Tonight I recollected a childhood memory. When going to walk with our dog Spun I used to handover leadership to her. She would take the chain in her mouth which I would tie up to my pants. She took me to places I would not visit normally - long walks through clumps of trees and over long stretches of grass. Spun and I had a strong confidence in each other - after a while she would drop the chain for more interesting experiences, being sure I would not walk away. When chaining her I would be confident she would not walk away. A confidence that should be reversed I considered when being young. I did not realise then how unfair and undemocratic leadership was limiting the potentials of the world, if not harming it. She died on the very first day I went to high-school.
And the need for such confidence is nothing special - but uncommon for leaders in general. Yesterday young people gathered for a European Youth Summit in Rome. We stood in the footsteps of grand leaders who created the foundations of a project uniting Europe fifty years ago. Presenting our thoughts for a future with more prosperity, security and dignity, and emphazising the indispensable need for a stable, sustainable and equal future for all.
European leaders showed confidence in the future leaders - showed willingness to listen to their youth, but did not make promises to turn-around the chain for once. They already promised the legacy of a yet not realized dream of a democratic world which is environmentally sustainable. But they also offered the legacy of a democtratic and quite stable Europe, whilst happily living in Peace and prosperity. Their promised legacy seems somewhat premature: it's like promising your grandchildren a legacy of honor but also financial debts. Promising but not yet convincing enough, and I hope that our current European leaders will show a true commitment the coming years to challenge the true problems we are facing together.
I believe that a commitment of showing confidence in the union, a commitment to living-up to the values and principles that were once settled and which we continue to build. A commitment for perspective, which does not end at our politically defined domains. This is what we should keep each other accountable for - as demonstration of accountability for values and principles enlarges the trust and believe in a future Europe.