This is my little kitchen where I have spent quite a lot of time recently. I can really enjoy cooking, with ingredients in all its colors and flavors. Sometimes I cook following a receipt, but I prefer to freestyle. Today I bought a bass (sea fish) which I cooked in the oven together with potatoes and vegetables. Yummy! It is so exciting, after having barely used my kitchen during the past year. Travelling and cooking simply doesn't go together very well.
Spending time in the kitchen makes me calm. It makes you aware of what you are eating (contrary to the microwave food I often consume), and it makes you enjoy your meal much more. Microwave meals are eaten behind your laptop or television. But if I cook I eat in peace.
Hence I can not understand that people do not enjoy cooking. I believe there is a little Jamie in all of us.
2 opmerkingen:
whished i could helped you eat the fish
Mmmh sounds yummy! Even better is cooking for othere people, you enjoy it even more. (And isn't Jamie a bit sexy?)
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