“I do not want to be bamboo bending for the wind,
I want to be an oak standing firm.”
Watching portraits like this always make me feel strong, they make me believe in the power that is in people. They make me believe that tomorrow I can change the world. Afterwards a melancholic mood, yes indeed mostly occurring during traveling by train, overrules me and I loose the will to get disciplined tomorrow morning and change my whole life for sake of the world. Still, I hope that tomorrow morning I will wake up being a bit more disciplined in realizing my ideals.

The era of International Film festivals, such as the one in Rotterdam I visited tonight, always fascinates me. Walking through the buildings where the movies are screened makes you feel part of another world for a while. I am not sure whether this is caused by surrounding people who fantasize themselves being part of the surreal world they are watching, or whether it’s just me being in an artistic environment I don’t visit too often. Analyzing movies like these feels like walking on ice: in the middle of so many movie phanatics you soon have a wrong interpretations. Tonight I just left the movie festival straight after the movie, sticking to my own reality of what I saw. Gie, who didn't show much affection to girls, was not gay, I thought. However, the website of the Filmfestival (www.filmfestivalrotterdam.nl), told me that the homosexual aspect of the movie remained uncensored. I have to visit more film festivals!
1 opmerking:
melancholy in trains, i know all about it :-)
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