Since I was young I've spent a considerable amount of time at the dentist, mainly because the dentist gave me all sort of braces. Only since a while I really start to dislike these visits... Two weeks ago the dentist told me I had several cavities, since I apparently haven't been taken care well enough of my teeth lately. Flossing is not my favourite waste of time.. but now I promised myself to start actively engaging in it...
Anyhow, consequently I spent this morning one hour at the dentist with my mouth wide open.. I really hate this drilling in my mouth!
3 opmerkingen:
Yeah, dentist stuff is so annoying. But I cannot say how much I appreciate the fact that - in Austria - I can actually go to the dentist. In the US, I have a health insurance, but it doesn't cover the dentist. So in order not to spend a gazillion dollars for a dentist appointment, I went to the clinic of New York University, which is considerably cheaper ... but it's students messing around in your mouth. The consequence of that was that I had to have it redone by my dentist in Vienna. Dentists suck, but no insurance sucks even more.
Very pragmatic view from people from vienna - but, i do agree with them:))
I had pulled out 3 wisdom tooth because they grew wrong. Now it seems that i have to take out the last one as well - and i really don't want to pass through the same hell again. Beside this - so please observe on the first place is the comfortness (if is ever a comfort in taking out a tooth - if i go to a free practitioner (which will solve me anytime of the day) will cost me a fortune, if i go to the dentists on my insurance i will die waiting to enter the cabinet.
BTW Bjorn is that you on the chair? If yes how did you took the pic?
Yes when it comes to teeth the health care system here is also limited. The amount of money we spend just to be able to chew... :) To be honest I'm not even sure what they're going to cover of my current treatments...
I had my second one today and still two to go. The anaeasthesia wasn't working immediately today, so the dentist gave me one extra through which my lips got so ticklish that I started laughing when she touched them (and it's the first time this happens whilst a woman is doing this!).
Ouch, wishdom teeth can be painful yes! I got pulled out all four of mine, I guess I was lucky because I was able to work again the same day.
No, it wasn't me on the picture :)
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