This weekend I was in Brussels for the COMEM of the European Youth Forum. Two days of meeting with 120 delegates is not the most exciting thing I have ever done, but it was good to see some people again and to get to know few other people. IGLYO's video on Pride in Activism cheered the meeting up a little bit, with the 2004 hit 'Dragostea din tei', coming from the wonderful Moldova. Brussels is a nice city which I especially enjoyed Sunday afternoon whilst having coffees and lunch with Jasna, Bettina and Maxim.
For the rest I am fund raising, fund raising. We are finishing a huge application to the European Commission, which is a lot of work. It's not my favourite waste of time, though the good thing is that it makes you think of your organisation in another way than you're doing in the every day routine. When I'm not fund raising for IGLYO at the moment I'm assessing funding applications of other organisations to the COC... happy when the first of December has come as by then we'll be finished with everything.
2 opmerkingen:
CoMem is long over! nothing else happening in your life ;-)
Honey, be nice to me :)
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